Powering Affordable Clean Energy (PACE) Program

In 2023, GVEA申请了一项由农村公用事业mg冰球突破豪华版下载局(RUS)提供的重大资助项目,名为“负担得起的清洁能源项目”(PACE).“通过PACE计划,GVEA正在寻求1亿美元的贷款和60%的贷款减免,用于:

  • 位于费尔班克斯的46兆瓦(MW) / 92兆瓦时(MWh)电池储能系统(BESS)的建设和互联, Alaska. BESS将由锂离子电池组成,这些电池将在GVEA现有的威尔逊变电站互连;
  • 变电站升级到GVEA的Nenana变电站,通过执行16兆瓦的太阳能购买协议(PPA),将新的可再生能源与GVEA的系统互连,根据该协议,GVEA将购买将在Nenana建造的太阳能阵列的所有输出, Alaska by Nenana Solar Farm, LLC (Nenana Solar Farm); and,
  • A half-mile long 24.9kV快速配电线路将奈纳太阳能发电场与奈纳变电站连接起来.

Together, these projects constitute GVEA’s Portfolio of Actions. The projects’ purpose and need are to reduce costs, 提高系统可靠性,增加GVEAmg冰球突破豪华版下载区域内的发电多样性. 拟议中的BESS将为新建的16兆瓦的Nenana太阳能发电场和GVEA现有的25兆瓦的Eva Creek风力发电场提供监管. BESS还将为停电响应提供整体系统支持, spinning reserve and other dispatching functions. Nenana太阳能农场将设定已知的定价,并允许GVEA增加向我们成员提供可再生能源发电的百分比. Overall, 该项目将通过减少目前用于管理GVEA可变能源的燃料来降低成员的成本.

PACE Community Benefit Plan

上述行动组合为GVEA所mg冰球突破豪华版下载的社区创造了内在的成本和碳减排效益. GVEA’s Community Benefit Plan (CBP), as required by the PACE Program, 将这些好处扩展到与GVEA互动的许多社区,超越电力的生产和消费,并将提供项目范围以外的社区利益. 它将为加强阿拉斯加内陆的美国劳动力提供社区福利, promote energy efficiency and carbon reduction, integrate clean energy into traditional agriculture, and increase diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility through a transformative clean energy economy. 有关GVEA PACE项目的所有福利的详细说明,请点击下面的按钮.

The areas of additional benefits are summarized below.

Investments in the Workforce

To diversify and fortify the American workforce in Interior Alaska, GVEA的项目为清洁能源市场提供了短期和长期的就业机会, training, and worker retention strategies. GVEA是阿拉斯加内陆地区最大的雇主之一,也是我们的发电厂, transmission and distribution operations, 维护工作不仅是连续和稳定的,而且是在与国际电气工人兄弟会(IBEW)和国际操作工程师联盟(IUOE)的集体谈判协议下进行的。. 这些工作岗位通过为我们的采矿业和旅游业提供动力,确保并使该地区的经济成为支柱.

了解更多关于PACE项目和GVEA的CBP将如何增加的信息 local job creation and long-term maintenance jobs, our efforts to increase training and recruitment for Interior Alaska youth, how GVEA is committed to protecting workers’ rights and paying fair, equitable wages as well as new scholarships that will be offered, click the Community Benefit Plan link above.

Energy Efficiency and Carbon Reduction

GVEA将与寒冷气候住房研究中心(CCHRC)合作,提供能源效率项目,支持能源弹性和提高能源公平性。. These classes and workshops, available virtually and in-person, 会否涵盖重要的能源效益议题,以造福和教育公众.

此外,GVEA还将提供票据融资和社区太阳能项目. Through these initiatives, GVEA will increase equitable access for members to renewable energy, energy efficiency, 并有利于电气化项目降低整体能源消耗.

了解更多关于GVEA在阿拉斯加内陆居民中加强能源效率教育和碳减排的努力, as well as our upcoming On-Bill Financing and Community Solar programs, click the Community Benefit Plan link above.

Land Use and Agricultural Integration


To learn more about these benefits, 包括扩大GVEA的mg冰球突破豪华版下载区域和评估增加一个 agricultural seasonal rate, click the Community Benefits Plan link above.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA)

GVEA的mg冰球突破豪华版下载区域是40个联邦承认的土著部落的家园, 4 military installations with a large veteran population, and the University of Alaska Fairbanks, where students attend from around the world. GVEA的mg冰球突破豪华版下载区域满足60%的部落土地要求标准,几乎所有GVEA的mg冰球突破豪华版下载区域都在Doyon的内陆地区. GVEA的劳动力计划侧重于增加四个利益群体的劳动力多样性:妇女, minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabilities.


Public Feedback on GVEA’s PACE Project and Community Benefit Plan

GVEA正在征求公众对拟议的PACE项目和相关的社区福利计划的反馈意见. GVEA董事会mg冰球突破豪华版下载将于2024年5月28日下午6:30举行,欢迎公众参加.m. to give comments. 此外,可以通过填写并提交下面的简短表格来提供意见.

NOTICE: The PACE feedback form is temporarily disabled. We apologize for this inconvenience.

GVEA承诺在收到PACE奖励后继续寻求成员和社区的反馈,以审查可能实现的额外社区利益. 这些持续的努力将包括每月发表评论的机会, 无论是亲自出席还是在GVEA的董事会mg冰球突破豪华版下载上, to submit comments and feedback via social medial or GVEA’s website, and continued meetings and coordination with key stakeholders, including various agricultural farms within our service territory.  GVEA将继续在此页面发布最新的PACE信息和社区参与机会,以获得更多信息.